Wednesday, May 25, 2011

May 21, 2011 Harold E. Camping fails again!!

To no surprize Harold strikes out again...
Now he is saying it happened but its "Spiritual" not physical.
Why can't he just give it up?
Some people just have to think they got the answer, Im sure the FDA will come up with a medication to "Cure" him of his ailment soon.

Anyways, they seem to not be brodcasting anymore. Harold stated that no one wants to believe him so he is just waiting... oh yes, waiting! He now preaches that on October 21, 2011 the earth will blow up as predicted, just no thinning out of the so called "Elect" before that happens.
I hope his plan includes a fast track evacuation plan for those elect that are not to be obliterated.... HAHAHA, poor dilusional guy.

I would bet my last nickle Harold is jumping for joy that no one managed to get him to commit to handing over his millions on the 23rd when nothing happened.

Signing out until Harold surfaces again!
Good night!