Wednesday, May 25, 2011

May 21, 2011 Harold E. Camping fails again!!

To no surprize Harold strikes out again...
Now he is saying it happened but its "Spiritual" not physical.
Why can't he just give it up?
Some people just have to think they got the answer, Im sure the FDA will come up with a medication to "Cure" him of his ailment soon.

Anyways, they seem to not be brodcasting anymore. Harold stated that no one wants to believe him so he is just waiting... oh yes, waiting! He now preaches that on October 21, 2011 the earth will blow up as predicted, just no thinning out of the so called "Elect" before that happens.
I hope his plan includes a fast track evacuation plan for those elect that are not to be obliterated.... HAHAHA, poor dilusional guy.

I would bet my last nickle Harold is jumping for joy that no one managed to get him to commit to handing over his millions on the 23rd when nothing happened.

Signing out until Harold surfaces again!
Good night!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Camping gets called out.... again!

During the 2/14/2011 broadcast at the 18:20 marker, someone called in and said "Harry your full of shit" and hung up.

He was a smart caller, he got his message in before the monitor could cut him off, I doubt he can use the same number again to call.

Pretty funny if you ask me, stupid, childish but I got a laugh out of it.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

May 21, 2011 is almost here

I have been listening to Mr. Camping for about 4 years now, his story does not change.
We are now supposedly three months away from the end.... will it happen?

Personally, I think not.

There have been self proclamed prophets since the beginning of time, each promised the same thing:
The end of the world.

So what makes Mr. Campings teachings any different?
Nothing does.

He states that god has opened his eyes to the truth, have you ever heard that one before?
We all have, and we will continue to hear the same after May 21, 2011.

The most interesting question asked of Mr. Camping is: "When May 22, 2011 arrives and nothing has happened, what will you tell the people this time?"
He utterly refuses to answer this question on the basis that if he entertains the idea of what he would be doing that he would be expressing a certain level of doubt. He is correct, In his defence I agree. However the question still stands "What do you say now Mr. Camping?" I guess we will get to ask him this on May 22 2011.

I think he will be off the air.... we will see.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

How do you get the 7000 years from Noah to the End?

Mr. Campings case for the basis of his timeline:
2 Peter chapter 3:8
"But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day."


Genesis 7:4
"For yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights; and every living substance that I have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth"

So.. going against the rule that scripture must compare with scripture Mr. Camping built his entire story off of these two pieces of scripture. He states that the words god spoke to Noah about 7 days can be converted into 7 x 1000 OR 7000 years because in 2 Peter 3:8 God said that a day is like a thousand years.

Wait! What is that I see in Genisis 7:4, something about 40 days? Are you thinking what Im thinking? God made it rain for 40 thousand years? How can Mr. Camping take a part of a scripture and apply his thousand years to what helps him most but not to another item that would blow it away? Because he is a false prophet that manipulates the word of god. God told Noah to get into the arc in seven days because he was going to die drowned like the rest of them if he did not. God didnt want Noah to die like that, he just wanted to clense the Earth and repopulate it with Noahs seed.

Nothing you do will save you?

Mr. Camping always insists that there is nothing you can do that will insure you are saved. This is because god saved his people before the foundation of the world.
Pretty simple concept. If the list is already made and the sins are payed for then one would think there is no possibility of being added to that list once it is made.

Well.... Mr. Camping got cornered last night, 11/10/09. He was asked why he says there is nothing we can to to insure we are saved but he also says that if you dont believe that the end is 21 may 2011 then you are suredly NOT saved. This tells me that the inverse is true, if you do believe this then you may be saved, it does not assure you of this but this seems to be a condition of being one of the elect. Which according to Mr. Camping means that you are not to depend upon your faith in Jesus Christ, God, the commandments, the word of god nor any other concievable thing, but the prediction of may 21, 2011.... sure, why not, it says in the bible that those that know the time must profess their knowledge.... but at the same time it says those that believe in me will be saved... so which part of this testimony should we believe?

All of it, the word of god is infallible.
Mr. Camping is bending the words of god to fit his aggenda, as we all know.
The word of god even talks about this, the false prophet that will use the word to begile the people....

Monday, November 2, 2009

Camping joke: "Who can eat more chicken McNuggets, God or Zeus?"

Haha, funniest thing ever, some guy is all serious asking Harold about this and that, confessions and whatever then he pops the big question: @54:25 on the 10/27/09 episode "who do you think could eat more chicken mcnuggets, God or Zeus"
Harold stopped the call with the excuse that he couldnt understand the caller.
Too funny.
Here is the episode:

Camping insult: "I think your full of crap"

In the 10-28-09 @1:14:30 time mark of the open forum radio show someone called in and when offered to ask a question they shouted "I think your full of crap".

I thought it was pretty funny, haha.
I wonder how many minutes he wasted for that?

Here is a link to the episode